Twas the night before election night…

I won’t be the one to lecture you about which candidate to vote for. At this point in the game, you know exactly who you’re voting for, or whether you’re deciding to vote at all. I know our voting system … Continue reading

A $15 minimum wage? Not so fast

Supporters for a $15 minimum wage in the U.S. are on the rise, and it has been a big issue debated between Democratic presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. She recently switched her stance on the issue, supporting the … Continue reading

Motivation, routine, and a new work space!

In the past few weeks, there have been a lot of changes going on in mcheersy life, all of them positive! This week, my office moved to a brand new building in the city’s North Shore and, while the area is still developing and we are greatly missing our coffee shops and favorite places to eat, the change is for the better. The old newspaper building was far too large for the size of the staff, which has been rapidly condensing since news became available online. The presses left first, along with a few other departments, and this week the rest of the staff is following suit and slowly unpacking in our new digs. Continue reading

Revisiting who I am, and why I’m blogging

I decided to enroll in two free, online blogging courses in hopes of some inspiration and motivation to blog again. I didn’t pick the best timing since I got a new apartment in January and haven’t figured out WiFi yet…but, I figured I’d still take a shot at it. The first topic is to introduce myself to the world. I have been blogging for about two years, so this isn’t my first introduction on my blog, but rather me revisiting who I am and why I decided to blog in the first place.

I’ve changed a lot since I started this blog. Prior to starting this blog, I only used Tumblr, and though I wanted to write and share my thoughts with the online world, it was intimidating at first. I was a very shy person and didn’t know how to express myself. Though I always loved writing, it wasn’t until I found out I would be studying abroad in Barcelona for the summer before my senior year of college that I started this blog. I wanted to document the experiences before and during my trip. I wanted to also share my opinions and ideas with others. Being abroad opened my mind to many new ideas and cultures and I loved having a place to share my thoughts, as well as my many photographs! Continue reading

A Modern View on Lent

Lent has been a continuous debate among Catholics, Christians, and even families for years. My own family has multiple views on the traditions of not eating meat on Ash Wednesday and Fridays during Lent. My Catholic grandmother always followed the rule. It was a rule I was taught in Sunday School and was heavily enforced in the church and by my grandmother. For my mother, a Protestant, the only day not to eat meat on was Good Friday. But, because of my father’s Catholic background, she still tried to help my brothers and I abide by the Catholic rule. In recent years, fewer Catholics are following this rule, my family included. I’ve heard people say things like, “They only invented the rule because the fish market was down,” or “Poultry isn’t meat.” Whatever you’ve heard, make your own decision. There are other ways to acknowledge your faith during this time of the year.

Not eating meat on Fridays is just one tradition for Lent for Catholics. Many will “give up” something for Lent, like sweets or chocolate. Others will choose to “be a better Catholic/Christian” for Lent, whether this means helping others or attending mass more often. For those of you who have no idea what you want to do (or not do) for Lent this year, I will share ideas with you that I, myself, am going to do for Lent or ones that I have heard others are doing for Lent. Continue reading